You Should Start Your Career in Digital Marketing—Here’s Why
How to

You Should Start Your Career in Digital Marketing—Here’s Why

This content was created by Girlboss in collaboration with Semrush Academy.

Digital marketing is like the “little black dress” of job skills—everyone should have it, no matter what industry you work in. It’s considered the fastest-growing in-demand skill for 2024. And get this: Digital marketing jobs are set to increase by 6% (higher than the average job growth rate) by 2032, according to Forbes.

So, if you’ve been thinking about updating your resume to become more indispensable in today’s job market or making a full-blown career pivot into the world of digital marketing, Olivia Hanlon, the award-winning founder and CEO of Girls in Marketing, has got you covered. 

She just launched a FREE course with Semrush Academy about how to get a job in digital marketing with no experience. Over 15 short video modules that take a little over an hour in total to complete, you’ll learn everything from optimizing your LinkedIn to structuring cold emails. And by the end, you'll be connecting with potential employers with newfound confidence!

Below, Olivia gave us a little sneak peek.

Why should everyone have digital marketing skills?

“Digital marketing touches so many aspects of the job market, whether you’re working in business, tech, customer service, or even a creative field. It’s not just for marketers anymore. Understanding the basics—like content creation or copywriting—can seriously boost your career, no matter the industry. We live in a digital-first world, and having these skills helps you navigate it confidently. With social platforms like TikTok gaining massive popularity, now is the perfect time to dive in and develop your digital marketing skills. Even if you don’t want to be a marketer, these skills will help you become a better professional overall.”

How are those skills transferrable to many careers?

“The beauty of digital marketing is that it’s full of transferable skills. Knowing how to connect with people, tell a compelling story, or analyze data isn’t just useful for marketing—these are crucial in so many careers. For example, whether you’re in sales, education, or running a business, being able to engage your audience and measure what works (and what doesn’t) is key. These skills help you understand people better and make smarter, more informed decisions. Ultimately, digital marketing gives you the tools to communicate effectively and think strategically—two things that are valuable in any role.”

What advice would you give to those who are considering making a career change into digital marketing?

“Just get started! Honestly, don’t wait for the perfect job to appear. If opportunity doesn’t knock, build your own door. One of the best things about digital marketing is how accessible it is. You don’t need permission to start—you can build your own platform. Passionate about fitness and cooking? Start a blog. Obsessed with traveling and capturing real moments? Create a TikTok channel. The more you dive in, the more you learn, and the more attractive you’ll be to potential employers. Oh, and never stop learning—do courses, attend networking events, and connect with like-minded people. The more you put yourself out there, the more confident you’ll feel. This industry is so dynamic and exciting, but you’ve got to take that first step.”

What digital marketing skills have you used that can be applied in other aspects of your career?

“So many! As a marketer who’s also built a business and helped others grow theirs, these skills are priceless. Whether it’s branding, creating content, or using data to make decisions, they’re all skills that apply to running a business, teaching, or even mentoring. I’ve found that understanding how to market and position yourself or a product effectively translates across so many areas, whether I’m advising someone on their business strategy or teaching marketing fundamentals. It’s about communication, strategy, and execution—all of which are useful far beyond just marketing.”

In the course, you mention different types of digital marketers. What types are there, and how do you know which one you are?

“There are generally two types of digital marketers: creative and analytical. But honestly, it’s more of a sliding scale. Some people lean heavily towards one side, while others (like me) find themselves somewhere in the middle. Creative marketers are all about storytelling, visuals, and content creation. Analytical marketers are obsessed with data, patterns, and optimizing results. I love the creative side, but I also geek out on the numbers and insights—knowing how your work is performing is fascinating. So, don’t worry if you feel like you’re both, or more one than the other. The best part is that most roles require a mix of both!”

Why should everyone create their own personal brand and market themselves?

“Your personal brand is your story, your chance to show the world who you are, what you stand for, and what you can do. It’s not about bragging—it’s about being visible. If you want to stand out to potential employers, clients, or collaborators, you need to be out there, showing what makes you unique. Why wouldn’t you want to take control of that narrative?”

What’s a misconception about starting a career in digital marketing?

“A lot of people think digital marketing is easy, or that it’s just posting on social media and calling it a day. It’s so much more than that. Yes, it’s rewarding and yes, it’s creative, but it’s also a lot of hard work. You need to be strategic, you need to understand data, and you need to be constantly adapting. Digital marketing involves everything from content strategy to analytics to implementation—and everything in between. So, if you think it’s just about creating a few Instagram posts, think again! There’s a lot of depth, and it’s this mix of creativity and strategy that makes it such an exciting field.”

Any tips for creating a digital marketing network from scratch?

“Start small and be intentional. You don’t need to connect with hundreds of people all at once—focus on building strong relationships with just a handful first. Find people whose work you admire, engage with their content, offer value, and make those connections real. As you build those core relationships, your network will naturally grow from there. It’s not about quantity, it’s about quality. Having a few solid connections is far more impactful than trying to know everyone. Don’t overwhelm yourself, take it step by step.”

Oh, you thought we were finished? There’s plenty more advice where that came from with Semrush Academy’s FREE course on how to land a job in digital marketing (with no experience), taught by Olivia Hanlon, the award-winning founder and CEO of Girls in Marketing. Check it out! And discover what other marketing courses Semrush Academy has to offer here.