
How to Get Hired

$29.00 USD

Your dream role is out there. Let’s help you nab it.

Let’s set the scene: you’re scrolling LinkedIn on your lunch hour. Suddenly, you see it: your dream job listing at a great company. You skim the description, your conviction and excitement grows with every bullet point. You can do this job. You want this job. 

But, how do you go about landing your dream job? 

Our guide outlines the steps after you read the job description all the way to getting the offer letter in your email.We’ve sourced relevant, up-to-the-moment advice from recruiters, HR pros and career coaches. We even asked a few CEOs to tell us what they look for in a dream employee.

Three women sitting together and talking with papers in their hands. The photo is outlined with lime green squiggles.

What's in the Guide

✅ 5 resume updates to make right now

✅ A 7-point job-app checklist before you hit “submit.”

✅ How to properly use ChatGPT for your resume and cover letter 

✅ The new new rules for a great job interview 

✅ Practice prompts from recruiters

Hot Takes

The modern job hunt is grueling, long and exhausting. We’ve all been there, and here’s what we’ve learned:

🔥 Why it’s better to apply to 20 jobs than 200 

🔥 Why cover letters are losing their relevance 

🔥 Why you shouldn’t “self-reject” before even applying

A woman wearing a blazer and smiling, talking to another woman.

The job hunt has never been weirder. So many women in our community are reeling post-layoffs or looking to switch roles. This guide meets them where they are and addresses every possible job-search concern.

Finally, an email you’ll actually look forward to.

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