Feeling Stuck in Your Career? Tori Lazar Has Been There

Feeling Stuck in Your Career? Tori Lazar Has Been There

Tori Lazar was a marketing executive at a VC-backed tech company with an amazing salary. But she couldn't shake the feeling that she wasn't happy. Then, she got laid off and it was the best thing that could have happened to her.

Now, Tori is a strategic storyteller and executive coach who empowers multi-disciplinary women in tech, media, and finance through her coaching studio, How to Fck Up Well. She guides entrepreneurs and executives to transform adversity into growth, innovation, and improved leadership. And you may have seen Tori around on Girlboss with her advice column Now What? and career courses.

Many of us experience periods where our jobs no longer inspire or engage us, leaving us feeling discontent and just “meh.” If you’re there right now then this episode is for you. 

Tori fills us in on how to navigate through stagnant periods in our careers and discover a renewed sense of fulfillment outside of our 9-5s. She shares practical advice on handling feedback, managing social media comparison, and why you should seek support when feeling stuck. Tori also recommends taking the time to stop and reflect on your next move, rather than rushing into your next job, so you can realign with your personal goals and values.

Seriously, what’s the rush anyway?! 

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