How to Celebrate International Day of the Girl
How to

How to Celebrate International Day of the Girl

Bust out the party hats, ladies—today is the fourth official International Day of the Girl! Not only is this a real thing, it’s asuper official thing: In 2012, the United Nations passed a resolution dedicated to the “empowerment of and investment in girls, which are critical for economic growth,” and to “breaking the cycle of discrimination and violence and in promoting and protecting the full and effective enjoyment of their human rights, and recognizing also that empowering girls requires their active participation in decision-making processes and the active support and engagement of their parents, legal guardians, families and care providers, as well as boys and men and the wider community.”

Damn. How’s that for the best piece of governmental-ese you’ve ever read? We’ve put together a list of ways you and your fellow girls can celebrate the day to its fullest. Indulge in whichever you please, because today is our day, sweet thing.

  • Have cookies for breakfast. With a side of whateverthefuckyouwant.
  • Call your mom/sister/best friend/aunt/mentor. Tell ’em you miss them and thanks for being rad.
  • Wear what you want. A tutu, PJs, boyfriend jeans, girlfriend jeans, a mumu, jorts, crop top, a pillowcase, a bikini, sweats. Cute bra, comfy bra, no bra. Meat dress. Swan dress. Cat suit. Ninja suit. A suit-suit. Whatever you want (except maybe a murderous clown costume. That’s not cool right now.)
  • Drink what you want. Four cups of coffee today? Sure. Extra half and half? Go for it. Whipped cream on top? YEP. Champagne with Pop Rocks? Highly recommended. Eighteen-year-old Scotch neat? Do it. An old-fashioned? Mmmhmm. Bud Light? Get it, girl.
  • Listen to “Let Me Blow Ya Mind” by Eve and Gwen Stefani. Fail-proof way to feel pumped. Every. Time.
  • Take time out of your day to think about your passion and how to further pursue it. Because it’s a holiday, but it’s also business time.
  • Revisit this list of badass, trailblazing women. Queens, all of them.
  • Jump on a trampoline or go to karaoke. Find yourself some of that unrestrained joy.
  • Boil your gosh darn menstrual cup. Because you’re way overdue.
  • Watch pretty much any Beyoncé music video. But especially this one or this one.
  • Use that bath bomb/bath beads/bath oil you’ve been saving for a special occasion. Today is a special occasion!
  • Listen to “Rebel Girl” by Bikini Kill suuuuuuuper loud. Deal with it, neighbors.
  • Schedule a check-up appointment with your gyno for a week or two from now. Because you gotta keep that beauty tuned up.
  • Take yourself out for dinner. Or get delivery. Or make yourself a huge bowl of butter-parmesan spaghetti.
  • Go to a batting cage. Especially if you’ve never done it before. Shit is fun.
  • Read a book by an incredible woman. Bossypants by Tina Fey. Just Kids by Patti Smith. The Argonauts by Maggie Nelson. The Awakening by Kate Chopin. A Room of One’s Own by Virginia Woolf. The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir. And—duh—#GIRLBOSS and Nasty Galaxy!
  • Hang out with your favorite girls and talk about whatever you want for as long as you want wherever you want, and have fun. We’re in this together.