One thing about these women founders? They not only have brilliant business ideas but also wisdom for days. In honor of Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month, we asked a few of them what advice they would give their younger selves. You might want to grab a pen and paper for this one. Here’s what they had to say…

Lulu Liang
Evergreen Journals
“The first thing that comes to mind is: ‘read more great non-fiction books, ASAP.’ I loved reading as a kid. I actually taught myself English by reading and re-reading Harry Potter. Then, in my teens and early 20s, I got so bogged down by the required reading in high school and university that I didn’t make the time for non-required reading anymore. I only started again after I graduated, and it’s been a big game changer in my life. There is so much amazing wisdom in books, and it’s a privilege to be able to access the best thoughts from the greatest minds of our time so easily and cheaply. One of my favorite hacks for reading is listening to books on Audible when I’m going for walks or running errands. A book that I would recommend to my younger self would be The Almanack Of Naval Ravikant. You can even get this for free online, and it’s pure wisdom, line after line. One of my favorite lines from him is: ‘Be the best in the world at what you do. Keep redefining what you do until this is true.’ Great advice for anyone starting out their careers/figuring out what to do.”

Taran & Bunny Ghatrora
Taran: “All you are responsible for is the energy you bring into a space—do your best. School teaches us all to focus on our weaknesses, but if you follow your strengths and curiosity, you will stay in your magic. Always make big life decisions out of love, not fear. Also, gratitude, nature, friendships and animals are your happy place!”
Bunny: “‘Enjoy the journey.’ I was always so excited for the next period of my life, whether it was graduating high school, going to college, a new job, etc. I didn't enjoy the moment, and instead, I was always fixated on the next milestone or goal post. Life is too short to not enjoy every moment and I wish I knew that sooner! And to cut my bangs, so they aren't always covering my whole face haha!”

Heather Siu & Karla Lim
Lark & Ives
Heather: “Achievement sees no color and no gender. I am extremely proud to see more AAPI leaders coming out to share their journey and advice. It's important to let our next generation see the diversity of success. Success does not come in one particular physical feature.”
Karla: “That no matter which path you choose, hardships will come your way—it's normal and it's only going to make you stronger. You're going to make it, your hard work won't go to waste. Don't worry too much about becoming a mom and losing control of your life. It will enrich your life in many ways and help you be a wiser, more relaxed person while still achieving your dreams.”

Connie Lo
Three Ships Beauty
“‘Stop comparing yourself to others.’ When I was younger, I compared myself a lot to my peers, and constantly felt like I was lagging behind or failing. I came across a quote a few years ago that sums up a great piece of advice: ‘Comparison is the thief of joy.’ I redirected my energy to focusing on myself and self-work, and now recognize that everyone is on their own path (and has their own stories that you know nothing about!).”

Sheba Zaidi & Genevive Savundranayagam
Mahara Mindfulness
Sheba: “To live in the present moment. When I read Eckhart Tolle’s book The Power of Now, it fundamentally transformed my life because it changed my relationship with time. It helped me understand that the past doesn’t exist and the future is only experienced as the now, so the only real thing is the present moment. Tune in to what is in front of you because this is your life, this very moment. When you’re younger, you are constantly striving for the next thing, the next promotion, the next trip, the next person to fall in love with. Presence is the idea that you’re no longer waiting for the next moment, believing that it will be more fulfilling. To quote Eckhart: ‘Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it.’”
Genevive: “The one piece of advice I would give my younger self is ‘know your worth and don’t second guess it.’ If you don’t know your value, somebody will tell you—and it’ll often be less than you’re worth. Start doing the work early to go inward and get to know yourself better. Knowing your worth is quite powerful. It will enable you early on to clearly articulate what you stand for, more easily ask for what you want and have the confidence to say ‘no’ to what you don’t want. It not only benefits your career, but all areas of your life.”
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