Self-Care 101: The A-to-Z Guide To Being Kinder To Yourself

Self-Care 101: The A-to-Z Guide To Being Kinder To Yourself

It’s one thing to believe in self-love—and another altogether to practice it. Here’s the help you need to really look after yourself.

We don’t all grow up with the tools, language or confidence to prioritize our own needs through self-care. Even the most basic ones. In fact, sometimes we actually need to un-learn what we do know, and re-learn what it means to take care of ourselves. So let’s start from the very beginning.

What’s the first thing you’re taught in school? The alphabet, duh. And although the below illustrated guide is by no means a one-size-fits-all guide to self-care, it’s a damn good place to start. It’s a series of reminders that all seem simple but are in fact exceptionally difficult to remember and to practice consistently.

Save this, pin it, print it, and share it with your friends. But above all, let it inspire and remind you to care for yourself just a little bit better each day. Because as L’Oréal would say…you’re worth it.