20 Cute #DeskInspo Accessories That Cost $20 Or Less


20 Cute #DeskInspo Accessories That Cost $20 Or Less

When we were growing up, roaming the aisles of Staples or Target to find the coolest Lisa Frank Trapper Keeper was heaven. But as we get older and fall off a school schedule, it’s easy to lose the joy of the office supply chase. The good news is you don’t have to shell out in order to jazz up your desk space. There are some v v v cute accessories out there that cost $20 or less.

Scribblin’ fiend

When struck by a lightning bolt of inspiration, one must have Gelly Rolls and watermelon erasers on hand.

Bibs and bobs

We get it, black goes with everything — but life’s short, let’s clash. We used to love our yellow highlighters, but that’s because we didn’t have pastel highlighters.

File this for later

Whether you’re an analyst or an artiste, a well-organized desk can only help. These folders, sorters and trays will keep your office space in order.

~Chill vibe alert~

A happy face binder clip won’t help you make more widgets per hour, but it might make you smile. And that’s worth its weight in gold.

Sara Nachlis contributed reporting.