Investing In Yourself Starts With A Look At Your Inner and Outer Beauty

Investing In Yourself Starts With A Look At Your Inner and Outer Beauty

Two years ago, I made the decision to invest in myself by focusing on bettering my health. I want to be my best self in this life and that means taking charge ofhow I look and feel.I guess you can call it going “back to basics.”

I’ve always thought that focusing on your inner beauty is just as important as focusing on your outer beauty. When you feel strong and healthy, that translates to every other aspect of your life. And when you’re happier, you want a smile that shows your joy!

“When you feel strong and healthy, that translates to every other aspect of your life.”

That’s why I decided to focus on a new fitness regimen and on working toward getting the beautiful smile I’ve always wanted.

Focusing on making my health a priority meant starting a new fitness regimen.Growing up, my family was never really into sports. It wasn’t until a neighborhood friend invited me to play basketball with her that I discoveredhow much I liked dribbling the ball. Ilaterwent on to play basketball, swim laps, and run track in high school.

Things changed, though,once I graduated college. I was suddenly consumedbytrying to balance a draining lifestyle as a newbie in the workforce. Any focus on my health, both mind and body, got pushed aside.

“I knew things needed to change.”

While I eventually moved on to a career as a fashion and lifestyle blogger, things still felt off-kilter. I wasn’t my best self. Iwould easily quit workoutplans and I would avoid smiling in certain photos. I knew things needed to change.

So, I bit the bullet andinvested in a trainer.I thought: If I’m paying for a session, there’s no way I can miss it without essentially throwing money down the drain! I also needed to hold myself accountable. That meant seekingoutsomeone who was going to push me harder than I would push myself.When you’re trying to be a better you, you have to constantly challenge yourself and get out of your comfort zone.

“You have to constantly challenge yourself and get out of your comfort zone.”

When you do that, you grow into a more confident person. And while I’ve never *hated* my smile, I’ve always known there was room for improvement. (A smile is one of the first things people see when they meet you, after all.) That’s why I’m so excited to have Invisalign® clear aligners now. When I went in for my first Invisalign treatment consultation, I was immediately comforted by all the information provided.

Using the latest iTero® digital scanning technology, my provider was able to show me a visualization of how my smile would change. I saw how the alignment of my teeth would slowly transform and how amazing my smile would look. (Hello, megawatt smile!)

When I decided to focus on my well-being, I began a longer journey focused on improving other aspects of my life. I would focus on deepening my knowledge by reading more books. I would better my health by committing to a fitness regimen.I would invest in beauty routines and procedures that made me feel and look my very best.I definitely wouldn’t call myself a minimalist because I’m a fashion and lifestyle blogger. And I have like a million beauty products in my house. Inner beauty and outer beauty. The basics.

But with everything I do, I try to have a streamlined mentality by focusing on keyaspectsof myself. Inner beauty and outer beauty. The basics.

My mind, my body, and my self-confidence are all worthwhile investments in life. I’m excited to continue my personal development journey. And, better yet, I’ll be able to show off my confidence with an incredible new smile.

Presented in collaboration with theInvisalign® brand. Treatment times are up to 2x faster (thanks to weekly aligner changes vs. two-week wear) so you can truly invest in yourself, while getting back to what matters—your life.

As told to Theresa Avila