The Super Basic Budget Worksheet You Need Right Now
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The Super Basic Budget Worksheet You Need Right Now

Need to get your money right? Take a literal leaf out of The Girlboss Workbook.

You may recall that in 2014, a kewt book called #GIRLBOSS shot up the New York Times Bestseller list and started a hashtag. Now we’d like to introduce you to The Girlboss Workbookby Sophia Amoruso.It’s an interactive guide to the best career, money, and life advice the founder of Girlboss Media has to offer.

The workbook is a diary, a mood board, and a stress ball. Use it in class or at work for daydreaming and doodling in the margins. Use it to figure out what makes your freak flag fly and then go for it.

Need another little sample? Below you can catch an excerpt that’s all about budgeting. It’s your super basic savings and life calculator! Save it, fill it out and stick it on your fridge when you need a reminder of what your saving towards. You can order your copy of The Girlboss Workbook HERE.

The Girlboss Workbook hits shelves October 24. Order your copy here.