Should You Go Freelance? This Flow Chart Will Help You Decide
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Should You Go Freelance? This Flow Chart Will Help You Decide

Let’s admit it, we’ve all dreamed of breaking out on our own. And if you’ve got a set of skills and a work ethic, then stepping out on your own path career-wise might be the right choice for you.

Indeed, as a generation, we tend to value flexibility a lot more than stability, and today, more than two thirds of millennials work for companies that offer flex perks. Those perks can include the obvious things like health benefits and a 401(k) but under that umbrella is often also the freedom to not only WFH, but also work on projects that are in alignment with your values. Talk about job satisfaction.

But it’s not all flexibility and WFH fun. There’s some serious things to consider before taking the leap into the freelance lifestyle and while the decision may seem daunting, we’re here to help. Check out this cheat sheet to see if you’re game (and ready) to go it alone.

Now, the only thing left to do is leap. Find out more about the self-employed life by downloading our free financial crash course in becoming self-employed, from us and QuickBooks.