Your June Horoscope Is All About Integrity Over Circumstance

Your June Horoscope Is All About Integrity Over Circumstance

Be on the lookout for projections and deflections–from yourself or others–according to your June horoscope. Prioritize keeping your side of the road clean by managing your own motives; it’s only when they’re clear that you can generally know what you need before it’s an emergency, or even show up for others without resentments.

It’s essential that your actions reflect your integrity and not your situation, and the only way to do that is to truly know what your values are, says Girlboss resident astrologer Jessica Lanyadoo.

Get pro-active in coping with the role that fear plays in your life, Twin Star. Thankfulness is an anxiety buster, so this month I want you to start keeping a Gratitude List. Once a day, for all of June, take a minute to write down six things that you are grateful for. This will train your brain–and your heart–to notice the abundance, the sweetness, and the creative potential in your life and the world around you.

It’s time to realign with your own North Star. You don’t need to be anyone but yourself, or anywhere but here. Obsessing on what could be, or what is but can’t be changed, is not only kind of miserable, but it’s not useful to you. Lean into your worries, Moonchild, but don’t do it to substantiate them–do it to better understand what’s motivating them. Unpack your fears and adjust your focus this month, so you can more easily act in ways that reflect your truth.

You’re changing, and your life is in a state of flux. This isn’t good or bad, but it is activating. Be open to things looking differently than you planned, or developing at a different rate than you think they “should”. Allow the universe to work it’s magic on your life. What would happen if you got out of your own way, and had a bit more faith in yourself…or even fate? Strive to let go of attachment to how you think it “should” be, Leo.

This month is a powerful time for you to find your voice so that you can constructively take up more space in your own life. What you do or how you do it may surprise or upset others, and it’s on you to determine whether that’s their problem or yours. In order to take responsibility for your part as you expand, you will need to question what you were getting out of hiding.To propel yourself forward you’ve got to start by believing in yourself, Virgo.

There’s so much that you don’t know, and you can let it drive you to distraction, or you can accept it, and there’s no contest about what will improve your life. It’s time for more nurturance and less cruelty and criticism: for calling in, instead of calling out. Regardless of what you’re fears tell you, taking your time doesn’t make you lazy or indulgent. Having patience will help you to cope with the path that you’re on, especially when it takes you places you didn’t expect to be, Libra.

Here’s a pro tip that will help you manage the difficulties in your life this month: address how you’re feeling before you tend to the content of whatever you’re dealing with. Prioritize approaching your life with a clear heart–especially when it’s hurting. It’s not wise to analyze your situation when you’re feeling torn apart–no matter what you’ve been telling yourself, that’s when you need TLC, not answers. Take the time to treat yourself right, Scorpio.

As tempting as it may be, trying to change or control others is the wrong way to go, Sagittarius. This includes giving them help they don’t want, shifting their perspective, or “helping them heal”. It’s time to take an honest look at how you relate to other people’s boundaries. If you’re having a hard time accepting the people in your life you may need to change your expectations, or your choices. Just don’t try to change them, in efforts to like them, my love.

It’s time to let go of your agenda and your need to perfect things, Capricorn. Strive to be grateful for your life as it is at this very moment–the good, the bad, and the messy. Contrary to popular belief, patience doesn’t come easy for you, but it’s exactly what you need at this time. Find a way to stay emotionally present for all of the parts of your journey. The excitement, the concern, the maintenance and the celebration: there’s value in it all.

The ego gets a bad rep, but we all have egos, and having a healthy one is aglorious thing. When your ego is out of balance (either by being over or under-expressed) it can compel you to ignore your successes, to hoard the good in your life, or to favor the way things look, over the way they truly are. Look honestly at the incongruences in your attitudes, values, and actions this month so that your ego doesn’t drive you away from true success.

Learning to trust your self is a process, and one that can’t be rushed. Instead of seeking the “right answers”, try to identify what’s true and right for you. Honor this moment by being a kind and firm friend to yourself. Listen to and respect your own feelings, then show up and do your best, whatever that means today. The only way to fail is to not learn anything from your experiences, my dear Pisces.

It’s “buyer beware” time: getting what you want won’t always make you happy, Aries. June is an excellent month for self-discovery and exploration, but it’s also a dangerous one for impulsively jumping to conclusions. There’s so much you don’t know, and it’s making you itchy–just don’t let it compel you to rush getting answers that won’t actually help you out just yet. Let matters develop on their own, and use thistime to contemplate what you actually want, and why.

While change isn’t always easy for you, it’s totally necessary right now. Find your center of strength without anchoring yourself in another person, a job, or any other external thing. You are string and capable, but it’s not enough that everybody else knows that–you’ve got to know it, too. Confront your fears and instead of assuming the worst, invest in co-creating the best possible outcomes. No matter how it feels, trust that you’ve got this, my sweet love.

June 2018 Horoscopes

AriesMarch 21 to April 19

June is either get ‘er done or let ‘er go time, as you have to deal with the very real tensions between your personal life and your ambitions, Aries. You may have to let go of something that you really want right now so that you can focus on what you need. As annoying as that may be, it’ll be way easier if you’re clear about your motives. Align yourself with your choices so that your compromises feel like the investment in your future that they are.

TaurusApril 20 to May 20

It’s easy to get so caught up in where you want to be that you miss out on where you’re at. The truth is that life is a journey, and every leg of it has purpose and meaning. When you get too results-driven, you end up missing out on the life you’re living in the here and now – the good, the bad, and the mystifying. Work with what you’ve got, and let the future play out in it’s own time, Taurus.

GeminiMay 21 to June 21

Achieving goals and checking boxes is an important part of adulting, but those things are not enough. How you feel on the inside, the quality of your relationships, and the ways that you prioritize and enjoy your successes are what matter at the end of the day. You may think that the right path will make you feel some kinda way, but that’s not exactly how it works. You’ve got to learn the language of your inner world in order to know what you need and when you’ve arrived.

CancerJune 22 to July 22

Life is sometimes like one of those cooking shows that gives you a limited set of ingredients and challenges you to make a masterpiece in five minutes or less. It’s time to do the most with what you’ve got instead of wasting energy on wishing things were different. June is likely to kick up all kinds of strong feels for you, so strive to make the most of it all by giving it your best. Let your wisest impulses guide you instead of your strongest ones, Moonchild.

LeoJuly 23 to Aug. 22

You’re entitled to alter your opinions, quit, or have a change of heart. Change is an inevitable part of life, and even when it’s not fun, it helps you to evolve. Be flexible with yourself and others. Things are up in the air and it’s not totally clear where they’re going to land this month, especially after Mars goes retrograde in your relationship house on June 26. Adopt a gentle pace because moving through emotional stuff takes more energy and time than you expect it to, my love.

VirgoAug. 23 to Sept. 22

The first half of June may find you feeling scattered and overwhelmed, but it’s not for nothing. It’s time to question reality. What you think is real, how you see the world, and the things you believe are possible are all building blocks of what you actually do. You may need to reconsider your ideas about the world and whether you’ve been limiting yourself before you even start. Seek people who can model different forms of success for you, and expand your worldview, Virgo.

LibraSept. 23 to Oct. 22

All things ebb and flow, and it’s unpredictable. Sometimes what looks like the worst kind of setback turns out to be the greatest gift you could receive. The trick is to stay open to new ways of being, Libra. Your progress is not meant to happen in a straight line, and this month it may look like things are going one way and then turn out to be a whole other story. Let go of what’s holding you back, and let life unfold without attaching to how it looks minute by minute, Libra.

ScorpioOct. 23 to Nov. 21

It’s a complicated time to be a person, especially a deeply feeling one. Prioritize your friendship with yourself this month, Scorpio. How you show up for yourself, what you do to comfort yourself, and how gracefully you let go of the things that are not resonant for you are directly related to the actions that you feel empowered to make. You are the one and the time is now; be the change that you wish to see in your life and the world, Scorpio.

SagittariusNov. 22 to Dec. 21

A healthy ego helps you to navigate the world, but an out-of-balance one isolates you in it. Whether you think you’re the best or the worst, you’re thinking too much about yourself and not in the right kinds of ways. Don’t allow any individual situation or person to determine your worth, Sagittarius. As you grow it’s OK to be uncertain, to make mistakes, and to be flat out wrong. Learn as you go, and try to be brave when you falter, my love.

CapricornDec. 22 to Jan. 19

Your sign loves control, but so much of life’s magic happens in unscripted moments. You don’t need to know how or when you’re gonna get there in order to have faith that you will eventually. Have faith in the big picture, even as the details evade or disappoint you, Cappy mon Capitan. The full moon in your sign on June 27is a special time for you to let go of self-imposed limitations in favor of what gives you life.

AquariusJan. 20 to Feb. 18

You can’t be present when you’re obsessing on the past or trying to project into an unknowable future. Practice giving your attention to things that you can constructively do something about in the here and now, Aquarius. Mars goes retrograde in your sign on the June 26, marking this as a time that will challenge you to find healthy ways of expressing your ambitions, anger, and sexuality. For best results, show up and seek these things from an embodied place.

PiscesFeb. 19 to March 20

The only way to truly fail is by learning nothing from your setbacks. Don’t let fear of failure unintentionally inspire you to seek evidence of it, Pisces. You don’t need to be a Pollyanna, but aligning yourself with the positivity that comes from progressive action really has no downside. There may be tension in the air around you, but that only means your feels are likely to be inflamed. Choose to focus on potential instead of what you lack this month.

This story was originally published on May 29, 2018. It has been updated (and will continue to be updated) to include new tips, advice, and guidance, to ensure we are always giving you the best, most valuable resources.